Metropolitan Socio-Economic Observatory of GZM
The Metropolitan Socio-Economic Observatory is a project resulting from the Strategic Action Programme until 2022 (adopted by resolution XII/73/2018 of the GZM Metropolis Assembly of November 30, 2018), continued as part of the Metropolitan Strategic Action Program adopted in June 2023. The objective of the Observatory is to collect, process and analyze public data and to monitor changes and processes taking place in Metropolis GZM. The collected data are to support the process of programming the socio-economic development of GZM, as well as provide substantive support to individual Departments of the Metropolitan Office.The thematic scope of the collected data allows for the basic characteristics of individual communes and the entire GZM area, e.g. in terms of such aspects as: demography, finances, economy, infrastructure, environment, society.
The InfoGZM portal is the main element of the Observatory, which is a platform for sharing and visualizing the collected data, using such forms of presentation as: maps, charts, choropleth maps, tables, summaries. This solution is different in its form than public statistics or an open data platform. The data come from various sources, including official statistics or open data platforms, but are not published in raw form, but are analyzed and visualized. This makes it much easier for the recipient to interpret and read the data sets. The data is presented as infographics, maps, choropleth maps, charts, etc.
The InfoGZM portal is the largest database of knowledge about Metropolis GZM, and thanks to its attractive form and constant enrichment with new information, it can be interesting for commune offices and public administration, academics, the business community, as well as residents, students and non-governmental organizations – all who want to increase knowledge about GZM and are interested in its development.
The InfoGZM structure includes several parts:
- InfoMap: a map containing basic information about the entire GZM and its communes. The map contains data on the population, area, rulers, as well as links to websites and BIP of each member municipality.
- Statistics: the most extensive database of information on GZM communes, containing over 250 data sets, in six thematic groups: demography, finance, economy, infrastructure, environment and society (including data on such issues as: migrations, commune budgets, business entities, bicycle paths, or housing and communal infrastructure).
- Maps: a tab containing interactive and static maps, presenting the situation in GZM in spatial terms; it includes, among others: information on the distribution of the population and the dynamics of changes in the number of inhabitants; spatial development directions map for all 41 municipalities; GreenGZM map with parks and squares in the background of forest complexes and legally protected areas; map of spatial accessibility – “15-minute city”; a map of population flows related to employment (commuting flows), a map of railway infrastructure, or a map of electric car charging stations (both presenting the existing and planned elements of the system).
- Analyzes: a tab containing thematic reports and studies about the situation on the housing market, the labor market, students and universities, or an analysis of the budgets of GZM municipalities, as well as 80 indicators of sustainable development, presenting the situation in GZM in 2012-2019 and reports on management water and air quality.
- Publications: a tab where all kinds of studies and publications regarding GZM, developed by GZM departments, as well as external materials are posted.

The history of the InfoGZM portal
The InfoGZM portal was developed in its original form as part of the work of the Department of Strategy and Spatial Policy, as an original project based on the knowledge and skills of employees. This made it possible to test various types of solutions, develop an appropriate structure of the Portal and check various forms of data presentation, without having to incur financial costs. In the initial period, the Portal contained a much smaller range of presented data than at present. Subsequent elements were added as needed or when it was necessary to present new data in an interesting form. Own work of the Department’s employees, both in terms of IT and analytical, allowed for its development.
After more than 3 years, as a result of significant development of the Portal (adding new subpages and forms of data presentation), there was a need to modernize the current solutions. This was to make it easier to manage the InfoGZM from a technical point of view, as well as to enable the publication of data by employees who do not have programming skills. Cooperation with Fooz, a company specializing in WordPress solutions, concerned the implementation of a CMS (content management system) enabling easier management of the portal and creating dedicated modules for adding special content such as maps or charts. In addition, as part of the modernization, the user interface and issues related to user experience (UX) were improved, and a responsive version was implemented (ensuring proper display of the Portal on various devices). Tools facilitating the use of InfoGZM for people with disabilities were also added. Thanks to our own experience and precise expectations, it was easier to design and implement the expected changes in the new version of the Portal.
We encourage you to use the InfoGZM portal and follow the work of the Metropolitan Socio-Economic Observatory!