Monitoring indicators of the GZM Development Strategy

In the GZM Development Strategy for 2022-2027, with an outlook until 2035, two groups of indicators for monitoring the situation in Metropolis and the progress of document implementation have been indicated. The indicators were divided into two groups:

  • basic indicators (for priorities): depicting the general situation in the GZM and the changes occurring over the years, based on publicly available statistical data;
  • specific indicators (one for each objective): the source of data is the information collected and provided by the GZM.

List of indicators for monitoring

1.A – Climate change adaptation and resilienceGreen areas (parks, gardens and housing estate green areas) per 1 resident [m²]27,7GUS BDL
2.. Number of days of exceeding the level of permissible concentrations of PM10,
24-hours per calendar year [days]
3.Average annual concentration level of NO2 [μg/m³]49GIOŚ
4.B – Mobility and accessibilityAnnual operational work of the Metropolitan Transportation Board [km per vehicle] 100 255 750GZM/ZTM
5.Length of bicycle lanes [km] 727,2GUS BDL
6.Number of park-and-ride car parks14GUS BDL
7.C – Spatial and social cohesionNumber of residents of the GZM [persons] 2 160 555GUS BDL
8.Elderly population dependency ratio [%]31,9GUS BDL
9.Share of young people (15–29 years old) in the population of the GZM [%]14,0GUS BDL
10. Number of housing units made available for use per 1,000 residents4,01GUS BDL
11.D – Metropolitanity and innovationEmployed per 1,000 people [persons] 318GUS BDL
12.Percentage of CIT tax revenue in total revenue of GZM municipalities [%]1,2 (2020)GUS BDL
13.Share of tertiary students from the GZM area in the total number of tertiary students in
the country [%]
14.E – Collaboration and opennessNumber of participants in mass events [persons] 1 335 795GUS BDL
15.Number of foreign tourists (non-residents) [persons] 110 682GUS BDL

Thematic categories