Studies made as part of the project Gospostrateg
The Gospostrateg project entitled “A new model of urbanization in Poland – practical implementation of the principles of responsible urbanization and a compact city” (NewUrbPact).
As part of the pilot work carried out by the Institute for Urban and Regional Development, the area of the Metropolis GZM was the subject of socio-economic and spatial research. These works are intended to develop model solutions in the field of regional development and integration of supra-local activities. This is to contribute to improving the quality and importance of spatial planning and strengthening its role as an instrument for managing and shaping urbanization processes in Poland. The direct result of the project for GZM are metropolitan notebooks, which will be useful analytical material, e.g. for work on the development strategy of GZM, as well as other current projects.

The project was carried out in the years 2019-2021, together with the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology and the Lazarski University, financed by the National Center for Research and Development (total value of the project: PLN 6,097,070). The Metropolis GZM was the beneficiary of the project and did not bear any costs related to its implementation.
All analytical materials will be successively included in the table below.